
Antiblocking Agents

Cesa™ Anti-Block Additives

Provides Great Dispersion

In order to prevent self-adhesion of plastic films or sheets, Cesa Anti-Block Additives reduce the surface’s coefficient of friction by creating a slightly rougher or smoother surface. These anti-block additives provide great dispersion, optical properties, and efficient antiblocking effects even at low dosing ratios.

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CESA Block Additives - Product Selection Guide Product Selection Guide Listing of standard product offerings by polymer type
Color & Additives Animal Free & Food Contact Approved Film Additives Product/Service Overview Discover our animal free additive solutions for flexible food packaging with extensive food contact approval
Flexible Poultry Packaging Case Study (Snapshot) Cesa™ Anti-Block and Cesa™ Slip Additives provided additives that result in a lower coefficient of friction for packaging end products